1.) I love Jesus with all of my heart. He is the reason I can jump out of bed every single morning with a smile on my face and say, "today is going to be a great day!" With out Jesus as my savior, I have no idea where my life would be today.
2.) Following Jesus does not mean I have everything figured out or that my life is perfect. It just means that because I know I am broken and in need of Him and his love, I have a reason to be optimistic.
3.) I am NOT better than anyone who is not a believer and anyone who thinks they are needs to take a step down and look around at how Jesus treated those around him. Jesus walked and talked with the lame, the tax collectors, the prostitutes, the poor, and the needy, not the popular. Jesus loved the ones the world loved to hate. Pop that comfort bubble and look for those who need a friend, or more importantly those who need Jesus.
4.) Jesus did not solve all my problems over night. My life is an absolute mess, but he makes beauty from the broken. Comparing my life from years ago to now, it is amazing how many of the prayers God has answered.
5.) God's plan is ALWAYS best. This is one I have struggled with. I want life to go my way on my time. God does not work that way. Even when it is hard to understand what exactly God is doing or how life will go on, God knows what he is doing and it is such a wonderful thing to see how he answers your prayers, whether it be the way you want or another.
6.) TRUST. Let it go and let God. I know, it is easier said then done, but the amount of relief you feel when you finally let go is magical. He's got it, he does not need your input or help. If it is meant to happen it will, if it is not, it won't. Allow him to take all your worries, fears, and stresses and watch as he molds you into the person he has planned you to be. "The gate is narrow and those who enter are few."
7.) You are loved. did you catch that? YOU ARE LOVED! More than you will ever know or even hope to comprehend. The same God who created the universe and holds the world in his hands, loves YOU. Not only does he love you and care for you, but he HEARS you. Every prayer, thought, question, giggle, cry, and whisper. He hears it all! How incredibly AWESOME is it that our God can hear all of us at the same time and meet each of our needs?!
8.) A minute spent with Jesus is far better than and evening with the world. Though it may not seem like it, each minute spent talking to God or learning about him is precious. A day with out Jesus is like a day with out food or water, eventually you will run extremely low and lose your battle against hunger. Your spiritual life is just like your physical life. Jesus is the bread you need every day, not the dessert for special guests to see.
9.) It is scary. Trusting Jesus and being his hands and feet. At times it is hard and the world pulls you down and people persecute you, but would you rather stand alone with God and be judged by the world or stand with the world and be judged by God?
10.) You need Jesus. You need his love, his grace, his peace, you need him. All of who he is, is more than enough for all of you. Humbly lay down your pride and come home to Jesus. He is always waiting with arms held wide open.
I do not have anyone I call my love. No valentine or boyfriend, but I can honestly say I am loved far beyond words could express. The precious lamb was nailed to a cross to say that you are loved. He took the punishment I deserved and paid the debt that I could never pay. I do not deserve the freedom I gain in Christ. I do not deserve his grace or love. I do not deserve a second chance. I do not deserve his forgiveness. I do not deserve anything he has given me. My heart is cold, I sin, I run when he tells me to stay, I seek revenge, I hold grudges, I fail constantly. I am a sinner. I am broken. I do not deserve what God sent his son to do. I cashed a check I could not pay and created a debt I could never afford. I deserve death. I deserve torture. I deserve hatred. I deserve punishment. BUT God loved me and he loved you SO much that the thought of losing us, was not bearable. I deserved abandonment, but he sent his son, the perfect sacrifice, to save a no good sinner like me. He does not call me by my sin, he calls by my name. He calls me his child. The prince of peace was slain, but the good news, He rose again, and even better news He is coming back! Because Jesus lives and because of his promise I have a reason to sit here and write these blogs, I have a reason to tell of his love, I have a reason to smile and laugh. Because Jesus lives, there is no battle you can not face. Though I am worn, tattered, torn, and broken, each day he makes me new in him. Put down the pen that keeps your tallies of wrong and right, you are forgiven! No matter who you are, where you have been, what you have seen, what you have done, Jesus loves you and He forgives you! Stop waiting for tomorrow to live your life. Today, because of Jesus lives, you can be new in him. You can live a life without fear or worry. God has you in the palm of his hand and he is guiding your foot steps. Hallelujah! Death has lost and LOVE has won! Holy holy is the lamb of God almighty! There is sweet victory in Jesus!