Saturday, May 28, 2016

Give Me Jesus

"In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus." In the middle of the stormy seas, give me Jesus. In the chaos of a broken life, give me Jesus. In the middle of a joyful place, give me Jesus. What ever situation I am in, just give me Jesus, because there is no other power strong enough to heal a broken heart or bring joy to a frazzled day. It does not matter who I am or who I become I am absolutely nothing with out Jesus. All that I am and all that I will be is because of him. I can stand at the top of a mighty mountain and preach the good news and great joy of who he is and was, but if I do it just to be seen, what do I gain but a prideful heart? If I feed the homeless children and clothe the needy, yet do not say one word about my gracious savior, what do they gain, but a full belly? Should I not only feed their stomachs, but their hearts as well? If I act as if I have my life together and I speak as if I am a changed person, yet the change in my heart has not been made, what else am I but a hypocrite? When did the church become a place of judgement where no one can talk about their struggles, instead of a hospital for the ill and broken? The beautiful thing about Christians is that we are all broken in need of the same savior. Each of us have struggles and doubts. Why is it that those in the church judge those who are desperately looking for a place to belong and a place to be healed and held? What would the world be like if we laid down our pride and our image and dropped to our knees to serve those around us? What would life be like if instead of looking down our noses and taking pity, we raise our hands to our Father? Step off your pedestal and look at the puddle on the ground. Is that reflection looking back at you someone you want to be, or a better question a child of God? A better question: If you met met our Father right now, would he say. "Well done my good and faithful servant."? Do you spend more time perfecting your outside image than the condition of your heart? You see, sin is like a illness, once it catches you it slowly attacks every good part of you with no hope for a cure. The more you sin, the bigger the gap between you and God, the bigger the gap, the harder it is to dig your way back out. What would your life be like if you put down our technology and picked up a Bible? How sad is it that we choose time with man made items over time with our creator. we are not perfect. we make mistakes, we sin, we get caught up in the world, and we over think everything. The only difference is that we know where we are going. we fall down a million times a day, but our father is right there to pick us up when we stumble back down. we have a reason to smile and find joy in the little things, because we have chosen to lose our lives, to gain a new one. There are times when life knocks you down so hard that you honestly do not want to live to see another day, but in those moments. The times when your heart hurts so much, you are frustrated with anything and everything, and no matter how hard you try you just can not find God. The times you begin to wonder if all this is really worth it. Do you really need to pretend like everything is okay and walk around with a smile all day every day? Life is hard, but I promise you that if you just keep pushing, keep praying, and keep listening, it will be so worth it. Remember after every storm comes a beautiful rainbow and promise. When those rainbows are covered by clouds, it does not mean the promise is gone, it just means you can not see it at this time. When my heart is heavy and falls from my standards, I fall in a cloud of grace. Grace I do not deserve. Grace. The only cure for the sin that attacks our souls. So take this world. Take this life. Take these talents. Take all of me and just give me Jesus.

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