Thursday, May 19, 2016

When the Waters Rise

Life. Sometimes life just does not go your way or the way you think it should go. You are often put in situations that you do not know how to handle or think you are not strong enough to go through. Life throws some pretty wicked curve balls and when they hit you, you are out for awhile. Life hurts you. It tears out your heart, rips it apart and throws it aside. Life can be absolutely awful at times, but life can also be a wonderful experience. Life can be beautiful and carefree. Life can be easy. The best part about life, is that no two people have the same story. Not one person has lived the same adventure as another. Sure there are similar experiences that help you connect with others, but each person has a uniquely crafted testimony. To those who feel like life is out to get them. I am sorry. I really am. I can't pretend to know how you feel. I can empathize with you and offer my sympathy, but I will never truly know how you feel. If I had to guess I'd say you feel so low, so hurt, and so angry that you don't believe you can live to face another day. You get yourself all worked up until you are crying hysterically and whispering, "I can't. I just can't do this anymore. It hurts too much. Why God, Why?", and a multitude of other cries.You feel like you have failed and you are just ready to give up and let the world win. Life doesn't seem worth living. You look at your life and you don't understand why God would allow all of this to happen to you and why some never see the slightest pinch of pain. Just when you think the storm is finally over, a wave comes crashing down or a new one is on the horizon. You think that you don't deserve all you are going through and all you want to do is run and never stop, but you can't. there is no escape. You are trapped on the ocean floor. Tears stain your face and you wonder if this thorn in your paw will ever fall out, because it has been days, weeks, or even years and no change. It has been years and still no change. How long must you live with this dark shadow? By now, you feel as though your heart has been thrown in a blender and your life has followed. Nothing makes sense any more and you are almost done trying, but you give it one more shot, because why not? Not everyday is a total disaster. You find reasons to smile and laugh, but there is a dark cloud dampening your mood that you just can't shake. Your hope is in all of the wrong places, until you remember the reason for the sliver of joy you have. God. With out your hope and faith in Him, life is nothing but gloomy days and dark shadows. With God as your hope and anchor, there is not storm to vicious for the both of you. When God is the center of your heart, not every situation will magically resolve, but you will have more reasons to smile and find joy in the little things. Every day and every life is a gift from God. Life can either be the worst gift you receive or the most exhilarating and joyful. YOU are the one who has to decide what to do with this gift. There are complications and storms, but there are also beautiful skies and happy days. Life is not perfect. Read that again. LIFE IS NOT PERFECT. It was never meant to be flawless. If our lives were clean and storms never arose, then there would be no need for our savior. If we were meant to have a pain free life, then Jesus came and sacrificed his life for nothing. Life is suppose to be messy and crazy and make no sense at all. because, in the middle of all the hail, the lightening, and the crashing waves, the life guard who died to save you, still walks on water. Don't be like Peter. Grab Jesus' hand and step out unto the water. It's only when we lose our faith that we start to sink. Even, when you have landed on the ocean floor, you can look up into the water and see a hand reaching down to save you. There is no way to sugarcoat life. Mistakes will be made, people will leave, and life will happen. There is no negotiating with life or God. You are either with God, or not, but either way you have a ticket for this ride of a lifetime. When the hurricane comes, let God be your anchor. He will carry you safe to shore and he will never leave you stranded to fight alone. So put down your phone, your laptop, your book, or what ever you are doing that is keeping you from living your life and give all that you are and all your worries, fears, hopes, and dreams to him. Give it all to God. He has already read the ending to your story, in fact, he wrote it. Don't let a rough few minutes make you have a bad day and don't think that a bad day means you have an awful life. There is always something beautiful to find in the world. Sometimes harder to find than Waldo and sometimes you can't help but smile at all the joys. Find a reason to smile. Let life be life and you find ways to make the sun shine a little brighter. In case you are wondering, God still hasn't left you and He never will. There is your number one reason to smile everyday.

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