They day started with grading workbook for 2nd grade and then I headed out side to help with 1st grade P.E. Seriously, SO MUCH FUN. I loved getting to run around the soccer field and play a bunch of random kid games with a bunch of rambunctious 1st graders who all loved me again. After P.E. we headed back in for snack. As the helper was passing out snack, I for some reason picked up my phone. Something I don't usually do until recess or lunch or if I have to translate something, but I checked my phone and it was blown up with facebook messages from my siblings discussing that my mom was on her way to the hospital. Everything around me stopped. I'm pretty sure I wasn't even breathing for a solid minute as I dropped to the ground and stared at my phone and every part of me was shaking. "This isn't happening right now. No, I just talked to her an hour ago. I have to change my flight." So much happened in a span of 2 hours. I was in Honduras and everyone else was with or close to where she was. I had no way to get there and no way to contact her. My only connection of what was going on was Facebook messenger and the school wifi is absolutely terrible. Mr. Scott (the teacher I covered for) took my classes for the rest of the day ( I only had a few left) and I literally slept in the teachers lounge, hoping I'd wake up and none of this would have happened, but every time I awoke, it was more real than ever. I hated not knowing and not having contact and not being there.
At around 2 Job and Adria picked me up and we headed to the Mayan caves, which was awesome, but I had no wifi that entire not, and of course assumed the worst. The caves we went to were discovered around 70 years ago when they built the high way. They found these caves, where the Mayans used to live, along with many artifacts that told stories into the past. The tour we took was about 300 meters long and we saw so many mysteries. We saw callocized rock, stalagmites, stalactites, caves inside of caves, fallen rock, inscriptions, and a place a family once called home. It was pretty sick, I'm not gonna lie. After we got all sweaty and dirty, we headed to dinner by a gorgeous lake with mountains in the background and then drove to the hotel we would be staying at. This hotel was so great, it even had air conditioning, oh and a friendly cat too! We arrived around 8 and decided we needed a snack, so we headed to a Saritas, which is like the best Honduran ice cream. After we finished our ice cream, we headed back to the retreat center to head to bed, since tomorrow would be a very busy day! It was nice to sleep with out geckos croaking!
Saturday 1/14/17:
We woke up and were ready to eat at around 8:30ish. As we waited for our food at the retreat to come, we explored the property a bit. There were over 20 different tree/ plants that produced a different fruit or vegetable, plus many other exotic plants, that were just pretty. There were 3 natural pools and a river/ spring. Along with all of that scenery, there were tons of vines to swing from!
After we ate, we headed to Pulahpanzak, where the day was filled with adventure and breaking my comfort zone. I did a very long zig zag zipline that went over the waterfall multiple time, which took my breath away. Let's just say, we have codes on zip lines for a reason. It was really fun and I was so high in the air that it really felt like I was flying, but they would put a few too many people on one platform before starting the next section. For reals though, when I went over the waterfall, I wanted everything to stop and I just wanted to stay in that moment and soak it all up, but sadly it ended and when I reached the last platform, I was greeted by a worker and a wild iguana(I think). I also did a tour that went down to the bottom of the falls and behind it. So in my head, when I agreed to this tour, I thought it would be this nice little path that you walked and the somehow ended up under the fall, yeah no, I couldn't be more wrong. It was filled with stomping through mud while getting sprayed, climbing down slippery rocks, with no rope or assurance of where you're going, swimming across part of the river, climbing up rocks, and going under falling water, for who knows how long, all while getting blasted with water and not being able to breathe. Oh yeah it was definitely and adventure, but I am glad I did it, because the view was breath taking, literally. After almost drowning( Not really but it felt like it) we laid in the sun for about an hour, before heading out. Anyone who thinks I'm coming back tan, I hate to break it to ya, but I'm not.. I do have a tan, but it just looks like a normal skin color, because I am forever pasty white. Also it's been a tad chilly here, so I haven't exactly been wearing tank tops and short sleeves.
After about an hour of soaking up the rays we went and looked at the waterfall some more. Y'all it is so gorgeous. God has some beautiful creation out there. Side note: Long ago Walt Disney took a tour through Honduras, and Pulahpanzak is where he got his inspiration for the Jungle Book illustration. If you ever get the chance to experience Pulahpanzak, do it, It is stunning!
When we finished, we went to a restaurant, which turned out to be not so great, so once we were on the road we stopped at another store for ice cream and then headed home.
Sunday 1/15/17:
The Colbaths had to take two of their kids to the airport. They were returning to Texas for school, which meant I had to go to Spanish church. It was only 2 hours this time, but when you don't understand anything, that's a long time. After church we went to El Chefcito for lunch, which is probably one of my favorite restaurants and then went to the market to get a few groceries. Once finished we headed over to Job's parents house to relax, talk, and have some delicious papaya smoothies! We were there until about 6 and then headed home to get things done before Monday. Monday was the start of exam week which I knew would be crazy!