Friday, January 6, 2017

A Heart Full of Laughter- My Journey in Honduras

Thursday 1-5-17

Today was my second day teaching my little stinkers! Honestly, I was super stoked to head to school this morning! I arrived and organized my papers and materials to find a note to, "Miss. Rebekah", that said, "Te amo Miss. Rebekah", Which is I love you in Spanish and next to it was a small pile of Honduran candy. After seeing that I knew it was going to be a great day, even if what followed that moment was not so great. My 3rd graders arrived sassy and spunky, but ready to ask me loads of questions (apparently I am really interesting). We spent probably a little longer than we should have talking about the me, the States, and them, but it was a good time. After all the excitement, I started the English lesson, only to get most of the way through and realize that I taught it completely wrong. Opps.. Well, I quickly erased my board and told them to forget everything I just told them and then squeezed what should have been a 45 minute lesson into about 15 minutes... Good one Rebekah. 3rd grade was a little wild today and weren't exactly the best listeners. It is amazing though how quickly and kid will behave once you threaten to take their recess away. The rest of the day went fairly smooth. My 4th graders are a hoot! They are so much fun, but oh man are they sassy and do they like to press my buttons. I wouldn't trade them for the best class in the world though. We have lots of fun, but they have a hard time knowing when it is time to stop and be serious. 
For lunch the school served bean soup. Yeah, my stomach was not gonna have that so I passed and sat with the kids while they ate when one of the head teacher brought me a bowl of rice and tortillas. That was something I could eat all day (well maybe not, but I could still enjoy it). My afternoon after lunch was packed with activities with my 4th graders and it was a blast, but a bit of a challenge. Like I said, they really like to test me, but that's okay because I test them too. 
After school I rode the bus back to the village and walked the rest of the way with another teacher. That night was a pretty laid back night and praise the Lord the internet was working! I went to bed late, but actually got a decent night of sleep, not like I would if I was home, but it was definitely better!

Friday 1-6-17

Happy Friday and third day of teaching!! Today I woke up exhausted, but still ready to go see the little boogers. Third grade was loads of fun and we were very productive. They all finished their worksheets, so most of them had no homework, which meant I had homework. Lots of papers to get graded, which I honestly don't mind, because it can be pretty comedic! I crack up at some of the answers they write down! Third grade was overall very good today, even if I did drag a little bit. The 4th graders on the other hand, some of them lost a part of their recess. They were so crazy today. Part of it was probably due to the fact that the power went out during lunch and so that messed up plans a bit. They were suppose to go to library after lunch, but that didn't happen because you could not see in the library, so I had 45 minutes of nothing that I was suppose to come up with something to do and on top of that they finished the plans for spelling in less than 20 minutes so I had over an hour of time to kill with kiddos who were ready to be out for the weekend, so I had them read for 20 minutes, color or draw for 20 minutes, clean up everything for 10 minutes, and the rest of the time I let them go out side a run around a bit. I have to admit, having a classroom filled with laughter is such a special thing. My heart grows every time I see any of these little ones smile and it leaps when I hear their laughter. It is like music to my ears. They make my heart so happy and I pray that I can show them just as much love as they show me. They are so precious.
After school I sat in the teachers lounge and waited for the next bus to go home. As I was scrolling through Facebook, I noticed that there had been another shooting, so I clicked on it to check it out and it turned out to be at the Fort Lauderdale Airport, where I had my longest layover just one week ago and where I will have an even longer one in two weeks. My heart started to pound a little faster. "This seriously just happened?! Are you kidding me? Why is this happening now?" I was in shock that this happened at someplace that I was very recently at, but I took that as a sign from God. I had thought about leaving after New Year's to come to Honduras, but it just didn't feel right so I came before and I thought about only staying a week or two, but seemed not okay and not what I was suppose to do. I very easily could have been in that airport when this shooting took place, but I wasn't. God has me in His hand, holding me tightly and safely. He knew this was going to happen and so He guided me so that I would be safe. He is keeping me safe everyday. There is so much that goes on in Singuatepeque, but He is with me always. There was a notice Job told us about this morning warning people to be cautious, especially North Americans, because there had been numerous robberies and people held at gun point. North American are more at risk, because to everyone down here, we are all so rich and have so much money that we won't miss anything and that there is nothing we can do about it. It's a very good thing we live in the country in a safer neighborhood, but it makes going to town frightening. North Americans also have to be very cautious of the men here, because they are very vocal and will try to impress you. I have blond hair and blue eye, so I am practically a goddess to them. If they like what they see they will let you know and pull out any trashy English they know to look good. Adria has taught me to ignore them and to not make eye contact with any of the men, so walk with your eyes on the ground. So please continue to pray for my safety. I am in good hands, but there are things they can't control, like an airport. 
Minus all the negative things about Honduras, I really do love those I meet. The beauty of meeting new people is that they all have a different story you know nothing about and the more time you spend time with them, the more you learn about them and uncover the jewel that they are. 
Tomorrow we are headed to town for a bit and then on Sunday church. I'm sure we'll fill in the rest of the time doing random things or resting. Again, please forgive if I do not have a post everyday. Life gets busy, wifi is sketch, and power is touch and go, but I will try my best!

**Prayer Requests**

Health(I am feeling better, but a nasty cold is going around)
Wisdom to continue to teach
That I will continue to learn many things and grow in many ways
Sleep- I still have not slept an entire night and it's catching up with me

Thank y'all!

Lots of Love,


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